Daily UX Writing Challenge- Day 8

Nimi Oyekunle
3 min readMar 17, 2023


Today’s challenge reminds me of the Spotify feature that lets you see live events of your favourite artists coming up. In today’s challenge, I created copy that informed users of a live concert they would like while trying to tell them why they should attend.

The problem for today’s challenge is trying to inform a user about a live concert and getting them to attend. According to the prompt, this user frequently attends live shows and has a music app that gives them details of the concert. So, this is how I went about coming up with the copy.

At first, I wondered what kind of message to make this. Was it better to make it a notification or a popup when they open the app’s screen? However, seeing that the prompt requires buttons, it’ll definitely be best as an in-app popup screen. I also consider that it could be like Spotify, showing the notification and then the popup can come up when the notification is opened. Or just come up when the app is opened.

So, since I decided it’ll be an in-app popup screen, here’s how I wrote the copy.


Maroon 5 is coming to your town. : quite generic, the first option that came to mind. It was also too long.

Upcoming: Maroon 5 live in your town: This was close, but I wondered if the user actually put in the details of the specific town they lived in.

Live events: Maroon 5 in Ohio: Final choice. I chose this as a shorter alternative that directly says what is happening and where. This option uses the least words, using Live events as a general heading for live concert notifications.


Come watch your favourite band live next Friday: This was nice, but I realised that the user already knows it’s their favourite brand coming from the heading.

Enjoy your favourite songs live next Friday: This was almost perfect, just that it was too long.

Enjoy your best songs live next Friday: Final choice because best is an alternative for favourite here. I considered using loved, but most people use best and favourite for songs.


Buy Ticket

View concert details

Honestly, the buttons didn’t confuse me. I just chose the first things that came to mind because it’s best to use terms the user is familiar with.

That’s it for day 8. It just hit that I’ve actually done one week. Wow. My major takeaway from today is that getting the user to try something out doesn’t always have to be salesy.

Thank you for reading.

See you on day 9!

